Symptoms of ADHD
Major symptoms include:
Trying to pay attention but your mind often drifts so you miss out on what was said
Starting tasks, like chores or paperwork, but not finishing them
Forgetfulness in daily activities, such as doing chores, returning texts, paying bills, etc.
Poor organizational skills
Avoidance of tasks requiring sustained mental effort or energy
Often loses or misplaces things like keys, credit cards, homework
Easily distracted by background noises and activities
Excessive procrastination waits till the last minute until the feeling of “pressure” is on
Difficulty remembering what was just read and needs to be read it again
Interrupts others when they are speaking or when they are busy
Difficulty unwinding and relaxing and often falling asleep
Noticeably fidgets or squirms with hands or feet
Excessive talking in social situations, finishing the sentences of others
Leaves seat at school or meetings when expected to remain seated
Compelled to do things, like being driven by a motor
Difficulty maintaining attention when doing boring or repetitive work
Difficulty taking turns, maintaining patience, delaying gratification